I’m so tired of white men, and let’s be honest, there’s little chance you’re anything but. I’m tired of the misogyny and the mansplaining and condescension and utter bullshit.
So, I’m not feeling “friendly.”
Dude — and again, let’s be honest, there is very little chance you’re not a dude because the people spouting this line of nonsense are dude bros, usually white, and the women who believe their lies — this whole notion that people who haven’t been “saved by” an AR-15 have no business talking about or regulating them says one (or more) of four things:
- You worship guns and you feel they can “save” people the way others believe in Jesus.
- You are either military, former military, or one of those boys who played so much Call of Duty they think they were in the military. In which case, you either imagined yourself being “saved” by an AR-15 because you won the video game or you’re conflating gun violence in military situations with suburban America. Which means you’re either delusional or suffering from PTSD, which you’ve decide to ignore so you can justify carrying around a deadly weapon to defend yourself from the shadows in your head. (No one needs people suffering from untreated PTSD wandering around looking for “danger” with AR-15s. That’s a recipe for you murdering someone for no reason.
- You are a criminal so you have a very good reason to believe people are planning home invasions against your meth lab or whatever other criminal enterprise you’re up to. Because the rates of random houses being ambushed by the sorts of violent criminal gangs you describe is low enough that you can watch a movie about every one of them on Hulu. It’s not a thing, statistically speaking. However, drug manufacturers and dealers, traffickers of people and drugs, and those involved in criminal enterprises have fears about being invaded. So, I’ll just assume you’re making meth.
- Your part of that group that likes to substitute big trucks and an insane amount of weapons for their perceived “manhood” inadequacies. Which means you just want an excuse to walk around with your detachable penis enhancement hanging out at Denny’s.
Not to mention that the overlap between people who desperately need an AR-15 and people who spend a lot of tine on “pro-life” websites threatening women and healthcare workers is almost a complete circle, so the irony of you ranting about how no one who hasn’t used and been “saved” by an AR-15 have no business regulating them.
Next time you feel compelled to write a blog post, use your own account or website instead of staggering into someone else’s world to vomit NRA propaganda everywhere like a frat bro during pledge week.