You wrote a thing and put it in the public square and then complain endlessly that people "took it literally" (something many ND people do, but also something many Neurotypical people do when it comes to the words of strangers). If you meant it as satire or some sort of poetic dreamscape, it clearly needs some editing to achieve that goal if you aren't getting the responses you intended. That happens sometimes with writing.
As for this "Medium woman" thing, you are coming across as misogynistic because "the women" didn't understand you. The reason is your imagined "dream girl" follows so many tropes that are based in anti-woman ideals. Anti-romance? Anti-fan fiction? Common "I'm a high-brow writer who doesn't concern myself with women's fiction because it's beneath me" attitude vibes. If that's not what you meant, that's still how it comes across. Especially since you're talking about another person (even an imaginary one's) reading habits. Unless they're reading Mein Kampf or something non-academically, it really shouldn't matter what a lover's reading. (Similar vein: "reality television" and "designer bags." There are many, many women who don't care for either, but assuming it's a thing that needs to be said goes back to those stereotypes that irk real women.